Shinjuku Incident, one of the only movies that portray Jackie Chan as an illegal immigrant, searching for his girlfriend in 1920s Japan.

As stated above, Jackie has always been playing goody goody characters either as a cop or some kungfu master in his previous works. So it's maybe refreshing to see him as a totally diff person on this movie.

Daniel Wu also sways from his previous acts, playing a more down to earth dude, innocent-like man who definitely will gain sympathy from viewers.

And throughout the show, I see familiar faces of Japanese actors.

Remember Nodame Cantabile? Yes, apparently i got the shock of my life to see the German composer (forgot his name) as a cop here. And i'd totally give him thumb ups for speaking rather fluent Chinese (Mandarin) in here as well. I mean, even without subs, you'd get what he's trying to say, and to me, as I've seen quite a lot of failed attempts especially from Japanese actors/actresses to speak foreign languages, he's considered good.

And well, since it's Jackie's film let's revert back to him and the movie. LEt's just say that viewers will get a chance to see another side of him, the badass side. (not entirely evil, but yeah). And the movie also depicts the Japanese mobsters and gang fights and etc...(it's just like a Japanese version of Hong Kong gangster movie, you see).

One thing I learned from this?

We should all believe in karma.