Now, Buzzer Beat, a new drama starring Yamapi (Yamashita Tomohisa), Keiko Kitagawa and Aibu Saki.

The beginning immediately went to showcase this Championship and how they managed to win the first playoff. (whatever that is, I'm not familiar in basketball). So anyways, to make it short, I am pretty satisfied with how they coreographed the moves, tactics, passings among the players, but of course, One Tree Hill still offers the best visual for me. Nonetheless, for an Asian production, i guess this will do.

And the characters are one by one introduced, no rushing here, just slowly we are brought into their troubles and slowly we are revealed to their true selves. It's only the first episode though but i think we're slowly getting where this is heading.

For ONCE, I am fine with Yamapi's character this time. Oh Thank God, he plays a non-cool character here. After the Kurosagi and then Code Blue, he gves me this vibe that makes me wanna strangle him every single time I see him frown. But not here though.

Why? Because his character is different. He's much cheerful here, smiles a hundred times MORE than he did in the ENTIRE Code Blue drama in ONE episode. What else? And oh...finally he has a girlfriend in the beginning of the show, even PROPOSING and COOKS GREAT TOASTS for his family, plays decent basketball and the list goes on.

He's entirely different, which brings fresh air for us all, viewers. I don't know how his fans would react but this is looking good for me. He is actually WORRIED SICK of his future, his SALARIES, and for ONCE, he is not this some EGOISTIC character. So good for him! It's always good to change characters. Shows how versatile one is.

Don't know about this one though. No doubt Aibu Saki has evolved from an innocent character to a more ' not-so-innocent' girl in one episode, I wonder how this change will evoke the viewers out there who already have been 'annoyed' by her before. And yeah, the other guy lol...when i first saw him appear, i was like what the hell...coz he looks like some walk-in drug-addict. SERIOUSLY.

Of course, with a basketball or any sports show, we are always given the chance to sneak into their locker rooms or baths wahahahaha....and yeah, body show offs!

Funny stuffs...

Now, to this actress who I've not seen before in dramas, basically coz she's not much in dramas, even if she was in, they're the ones that I didn't watch. Ok anyway, for a first time viewer, I am fine with her i guess. She's decent. And I do like her better than Aibu Saki, at least. And she reminds me of my cousin. No, seriously, they look alike! And when I first saw her in this drama, I was like...where have I seen her before? She looks damn familiar! And then it hit me that one of my cousins looks like her. @_#

Well at least she does well so far in the humor department. Together with this actress from Love Shuffle, it is win.

One to One match. No need to know how loses and wins here. Look at him Frown.


Good episode. I am watching this till the end. ^^