In ep 6, we have Nakama Yukie (the gangster teacher in Gokusen) as a guest star for 2 episodes. Among the rest of the episodes, I think hers will be the most interesting and challenging, even Koyuki/ Gackt's team up weren't as solid as hers here.

Playing a person with multiple personality disorder, who was kidnapped as a child and then kept in a dirty inhuman basement for 15 years. Revenge will be the theme of the story, really.

The moment they brought you back to the basement she was kept prisoner in, you'd immediately feel the sudden sorrow for her, you'd empathize her situation and understand how her pain would accumulate day by day living in the darkness for 15 yrs and finally was liberated.

Multiple personality disorder is not something new in tv shows. I'm sure you'd have seen them in various movies and dramas even. It depends on how perfect the actor/actress in executing their characters. The ability to shift from one character to another in seconds, those are the things that make them interesting.

As for the ending of the story, I'll keep my mouth shut. But I'd give Nakama huge thumb ups for giving a wonderful performance. What's more, she has the rare chance of 'beating' and 'kicking' the old time actor Takuya Kimura in the guts ^^

Don't miss this!