I didn't watch the first one. storyline's not attractive enough i guess. So I went on and watch the 2nd installment, without knowing what to expect but it's easy to get it anyway.

So basically, 2 years have passed and Larry Daly has now quit as the museum guard, started his own business, and yet still finds himself being connected to the creatures that come alive at night. When the museum is being cleaned up, with all his 'friends' getting stored in the archives forever, he came to their rescue especially when they were being threatened by this pharaoh.

And he met a famous icon, Amelia Earheart, the first ever female pilot to take on solo trip around the world. (go read up on her history if you want).

And together they tried to fight against the Pharaoh who managed to get Napoleon Bonapart, Al Capone and another guy I didn't know, nvm him.

This is a movie that you go in and look at it as a joke. It's downright nonsense that makes you feel like a fool. I understand the storyline but Jumanji was a much better watch than this. When things come to life from the past, you'd at least make them more smart and intelligent. But I guess with Ben Stiller, you can't be too serious.

I mean, what's with this gigantic octopus?!

and the little angels that sing hip hop and Titanic's My Heart Will Go On?!

Like I said, this movie is a joke. Not to be taken serious and actually, no matter how they tried hard to make it serious, it'll never work. So...it's not a waste if you've never watched any of it. I guess I was just too bored and DL it. Doesn't really matter if I did watch it or not. I wonder if anyone actually goes into the cinema and thought for a second to just walk off. @_@