Fanaa basically means " being destroyed in love" or so was explained. From the title alone, we can expect something tragic and dramatic...though i never really expected it especially from the first half of the movie, where things were really sweet and chirpy...till...

Now, the summary goes like this. Zooni (A Kashmiri blind girl) sets on her first journey outside her safe zone ( her parents) and went to New Delhi to perform with a bunch of friends for the Independence Day. Her parents especially her father was sceptical and worried but after being rationalized by the mother, he let her go.

In Delhi, she met this flirtatious shall I say...handsome lad with too sweet of a mouth and somehow manages to woo Zooni with his charming attitude and lots and lots of poems. Yes, in this movie, you should appreciate the use of romantic poems because that was one of the features that I find rather interesting. I am amazed actually by how the poems could describe their feelings precisely.

It didn't take long for Rehan (the tour guide) to tingle Zooni's heart and capture it. By the moment he wanted to let it go (as he has a dark secret which was later revealed), Zooni was too much in love with him.

Well, it might be far- fetched how two strangers can just get hitched so damn fast, but come to think of it, it's not that hard to understand. Zooni was a blind girl who has spent most of her life being up in the mountains, not getting much experience outside her comfort zone and being over-protected by her parents. And being a rather naive girl, it's not hard at all for her to be attracted almost immediately by this man who is pretty experienced with girls.

So, I won't spend too much time trying to spoil the story but what I can say is that the first half of the story is almost completely different than the second half, something you won't really expect as it takes a U-turn. Instead I shall write about how much I loved both Aamir Khan and Kajol's performance in this movie.

This is the first time both of them worked together as an on-screen couple. I'm not too sure about Aamir, I haven't really seen much of his movies but he's up there you know...alongside the likes of ShahRukh Khan, Salman Khan and etc...meaning, he does have his own reputation. I'm more familiar with Kajol as I've watched several of her other movies like Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (my top fav) and Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham. Both of these were acted alongside SRK and also directed by young director Karan Johar. The 3Ks have never disappointed me and I'm always anticipating their projects. Well, enough of that really, this is about Fanaa right.

So back to their performance, I was mesmerized. Yes, I don't know the perfect word to describe it but I just loved their chemistry, their facial expressions, body language and even without the scripts, I think it's enough seeing their actions. A bit exagerrating you might say, but this is exactly what I felt when watching this.

You can see a lot of different emotions all packed in this one movie. The best part is the fact that they executed their actings without much flaws. Also, come to think of it, this is Kajol's first comeback movie after 5 years of disappearance from the industry, as she chose to spend more time with her daughter. In a way, I was doubtful that it might be awkward again for her to be on-screen and also working with a different partner this time. But I was dead wrong. It seems like she's never left at all. She's so comfortable in the character given to her. And seeing her acting blind (the first) and being so naive during the first half of the movie were definitely refreshing. The most important fact is that she's so natural in it.

Some of my fav moments of the movie:
(there might be spoilers at this point but ah...i just have to list them down! They're not in order though)

1. Zooni's first appearance when her mother directed her to the right direction as they salute their national flag---> and the oh so innocent smile she flashes when she realized it

2. the 1st time both Zooni and Rehan met

3. when Rehan brought Zooni to the temple, despite his claim of not believing in God. Then, he asked her to close her eyes, and touched the petals with the blessed water gently on her eyes (I don't know but this particular scene was like so so so so damn sweet and romantic!) I liked Rehan so much at this moment.

4. The raining and singing scene outside Rehan's house. Seriously, I didn't know people can look so damn good being wet and having raindrops fall on their faces and all...and the way Rehan looks at her like *damn!* lol...and this is where I start getting goosebumps!!!~

5. the train scene where Zooni leaves for home reluctantly and wishing Rehan would stop her but didn't. The shot where the camera follows her walking forward after Rehan didn't say anything was so sad. Great crying scene.

6. but nothing beats the BEST crying scene at the hospital when Zooni was asked to identify Rehan's belongings as he was assumed dead during a bomb blast. The scene was exceptionally wonderful as we see how Zooni reflected on Rehan's words and how she just broke down beautifully of coz, i mean, there is art in crying scenes (most crying scenes are always know and fake-ish but this is one of the best I've seen ---> except for KKHH though haha)

7. Rehan asking Zooni how his voice was like, his smell and then slowly led her hands on his face (yes, when it comes to having blind girl, this is how you interact lol but ah...i love this scene)

8. the second time Rehan and Zooni met after 7 years. Splendid performance by Aamir (I really have to salute him for that * stunned and shocked face he had with all the blood on his face and snowstorm around him* Brilliant!!! ) And haha...Kajol looked one of her best in this scene different from her innocent young girl image in the first half.

9. any moments they had with Junior Rehan. The singing in the snow. ^^ what? that kid was really cute!

10.The scene where Rehan and Zooni danced quietly in the kitchen...

Okay, i think that's more than enough spoilers xDD

Now, as for the ending, some people might not have liked it too much, I'm kinda 50-50 over it though. definitely not one the best ending you can have in a Bollywood movie but given the circumstances, this is how it ends I guess. So I don't have problem with it. I don't wanna over-analyze the whole scenario really, sometimes you won't be able to enjoy the beauty of the movie if you do that. xD

In conclusion, director Kunal Kohli did a great job in capturing some of Aamir and Kajol's best moments in the films. Besides that, he really uses their talents almost to the fullest which is of course good. And it is no wonder Kajol won Best Actress in year 2006 for this movie. She deserved it imo, after 7 years of hiatus, and then doing wonderfully in this. And she did look one of her best also in this movie.

I like the overall package, the soundtrack, the sceneries of India, the ruins and monuments during their sight-seeing. The supporting casts were really entertaining as well.

My rating:

4.5 out of 5

I can watch this over and over and still get goosebumps.