This is a family comedy mix romance drama starring veteran actors like Gallen Lo, actress like Myolie Wu and etc...

The drama revolves around two people with completely opposite characteristics. Miu Chun aka. MC (Gallen Lo) is a smart and hardworking Media director (i think) in a Advertisement Company, Raptor Advertising Company but he is also famous for his cold affection towards people. Later on, we find out that he had a trauma past where his ex-girlfriend died in an accident after trying to chase down a dog. That is why he had a deep hatred towards wild dogs. But he has a cat, named Can Can which he adores very much as it was given by the ex.

And then he met a newcomer in the company, working under him named Chow Chow whose boyfriend is also working in the same company. Chow Chow loves animals very much and basically her personality differs from MC. Cheerful, a bit on the naive side and very friendly. Her boyfriend, Carson on the other hand is a playboy (which is the reason they broke up later on).

We then meet the boss's daughter, Kit who is a playful girl, (well, she's a spoilt rich girl basically) and has like lots of ex-boyfriends before this but she hates third party becoz that was the reason her parents separated. Soon after towards the end, we find out she actually has been loving a person for a long time, and that was MC, becoz he was like her savior. He has helped her a lot when she was still young. But of coz MC thought it was ridiculous...(the relationship obviously didn't happen but they remain good friends).

Now, the other two stars of the show. Siu Ba, a wild dog that was found by Chow Chow and later on, he was used for adverts in their company. MC soon overcame his trauma of hatred towards dogs and accepted Siu Ba as a pet at home. Upon meeting Chow Chow, he became more friendly loving towards animals.

Can Can, MC's cat. adorable...

MC soon found out that his cancer revived again and this time it's incurable so he began to avoid Chow Chow despite his feelings for her. Chow Chow tried desperately to find out what's wrong but to no avail when MC became more and more cold towards her.

But let's fast forward-----> she discovered his cancer and coaxed him to spend his remaining time with the people he loved.

Well, basically that was like already the last episode. yeah...

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!~~~ who says dogs and cats can't live together?

If you're looking for an easy going drama just to spend time, this could be just right for you. And it also helps if you don't mind watching cats and dogs talking to each other, this requires imagination. There isn't much conflict going on here, maybe just a couple of bickering here and there. Nothing too serious. But i kinda enjoyed it overall. Gallen, as always delivered great job in any kind of characters given to him. I like him and his comeback to TVB means a lot. Myolie Wu, despite the major age difference, she manages to make it less awkward being paired up with a veteran actor. The rest of the cast is okay. I don't have much to complain really becoz i don't expect much from a family drama like this, and plus, it's a laid back comedy. So as long as it serves that purpose, i'm fine with it.
