Basically it continues where it ended in the first part. So, most of the survivors went to the National school for cover, but the Americans planned well. They knew the survivors were trapped in the area and so started a second attack. And we learnt that amongst the victims were Kazue. She was separated from JunJin in the first part.

The only thing that caught me by surprise was the fact that this doctor survived the fire!!! I mean, he was totally trapped in the building and everyone watched how the building collapsed! So how he got out with just a broken arm is totally out of my mind. *but i'm glad he made it*

Then, we moved to Haruko and JunJin, somehow they met and Haruko has been taking care of JunJin. Bringing food to him and treating his wound. *seriously, i was like " oh my god! he's alive! and he finally shared scenes with Haruko!" Just the thought of them together in a scene made me happy. Haruko knew he is a Korean, but she didn't know that he was a spy to help get the Koreans out of Japan.

Casualties from war alone aren't the only reason many people died. *as a student of Microbiology, i've been exposed to possibilities of fatal wound infections and such that caused lots more casualties after the initial war*

And people start to die from tetanus and gangrene. Haruko defended the little girl, Tomoko whom she met halfway to the school and ever since then, lived together with her, along with the baby, Takeshi.

Meanwhile, we learnt that Hiroto survived the hellish night as well. He was saved by the Mizukashi family, his father's side and the step mother asked him to continue serving the country and also to be the heir of Mizukashi.

Hiroto asked his father's assistant to search for Haruko. We then see how JunJin left and followed his Korean mates. Haruko warned him that if he ever goes out there, he'd never make it back. But JunJin has nothing left except to work for his country. Being hated by the Japanese, he'd rather be a dummy for the Americans, even though he knew that he could lose his life anytime.

The assistant finally found Haruko and mentioned that Hiroto will marry someone else and carry on the Mizukashi line. saying this, it was obvious to Haruko that Hiroto will never ever come back to her again, so she passed a message to him through the assistant. She wanted him to tell Hiroto that Haruko died on that night of the attack, thus making him to stop looking for her.

However, Hiroto finally found where she was living and the reunion. Sadly, Haruko told him to forget about them as they were both *dead* that very night. They are now living a new life. seeing how stubborn Haruko was, Hiroto gave up and left.

JunJin did make it out alive from the Japanese, although he was beaten pretty badly.

Oh and i love this scene! He decided to leave Tokyo and just out of a sudden, he asked Haruko to go with him. *it's not out of affection or anything but i guess, it's like a hope that they cling on to live on and carry a new life* Haruko was definitely taken aback but she didn't give a clear answer. (you know what, i actually had a fresh hope that this pair might just make it after this scene and i really wanted them to leave together)

But in a way, i'm glad she didn't follow him...but ah...this scene is really sad. I didn't see this coming. I thought he'd just leave and be leading a new life. I like how they inserted a short scene where he talked about his own family back in Korea, how the Japanese came and took their land away, took his family away etc...So, we can't really blame him for working for the Americans, in a way.

Oh...this is sad. He was shot dead by a fighter plane. *sigh...*

rest in peace, least now you can be with Kazue. And did you notice how his eyes are filled with bloody tears....people who didn't know this is a war movie would've thought this is some kind of horrow movie lol...

But it's just tragic the way he had to this.

Of course, we are left with the last standing couple in this Special. Hiroto is preparing to go to war, when he had a surprise visit by someone he yearns so much.

Haruko finally went to see him. She asked him not to go.

Alas, we get to see a couple who were stubborn in the beginning and made up in the finals hours of hell. Just when they finally realized that they belong to each other, the air raid began again.

But as we all know, even from the beginning, Hiroto was the one who survived the war. Haruko, she died the same way as JunJin. Shot down by a fighter plane.

Well, the END. *like the first part, i cried too in this second episode. But i think the first part is more interesting. There are more likeable characters and we get to see the development, until the major air raid happened and they were killed one by one. That was really really depressing to see them die. Sad, man...i think i'm gonna be in a depressed mode for a while.