Warning: MAJOR SPOILERS ahead...so if you don't wanna know, this is not for you. But this movie is definitely worth the watch.

First Part

Horikita Maki
Fujiwara Tatsuya
Shibamoto Yuki

Haruko lost her father to an air raid back in 1943, i think, two years before the huge air raid that killed lots later. And Hiroto held her back from saving her father. Since then, she hated him and called him 'murderer' for preventing her from saving her father and also not trying to save him. And fyi, her father opened a glass shop. So basically, she knows how to make glasses, but still not as good.

In the beginning of the movie, we were shown an old man holding up a piece of glass with the dates carved beneath it and he died soon after.

Two years later, Haruko volunteered at a hospital and we get to see the first appearance of JunJin (Eita ^^) who is a Korean and a painter. Later on also we find out that he has a relationship with a Japanese nurse in the same hospital Haruto worked in.

Oh this guy...i remember him from Papa to musume no nanonakan with Aragaki Yui. He was funny there, so it is refreshing to see him acting all serious and apparently he is Hiroto's father but remarried someone else. He is also some kind of officer in Tokyo and has been trying to convince the General that Tokyo is not safe and wanted the people to evacuate, however his efforts were to no avail.

Then, we have a visit by an American soldier who was injured and despite the other patients' disgreement to treat him, the doctor went on to save him. (i like the doctor, he looks good even with his messy hair lol)

The soldier later thanked them for saving his life and warned about the huge air raid that was about to turn Tokyo into ' a sea of flames' as quoted. Since JunJin is the only one who understands English, he was asked to translate. However, being a Korean and holding a grudge against Japan, he omitted the part about the attack. Evil he is, JunJin...but i guess, being a different nationality and his hatred towards Japan, he has his own reasons. (oh...Eita...he was really bad here in this scene for that, but this is the first time i hear him speak English!!! and he's pretty good! ^^)

Somehow, the soldier made good friends with them...

taking their pictures with his camera and such...Oh, i forgot to mention that Hiroto had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital and he met Haruko again. Two years later. Despite Haruko's hatred towards him, after learning about his own history of losing his own mother in the war, she became friendlier to him.

Next, we have this pair, Kazue wanted to marry JunJin but her father refused to have a Korean to be his son-in -law...

JunJin finally told Kazue about the air raid and asked her to leave Tokyo with him. However, Kazue didn't want to leave her father alone. Thus, JunJin told Kazue that he'll be waiting for her on that very night before the air raid at Kototoi Bridge.

The Head Nurse, she has acted in Attention Please and Zettai Kareshi. I'm happy to see familiar faces in movies...i like it when i recognize them from different movies and dramas. xD

The doctor, he has been transfusing his own blood for his patients, since they're short of supplies. Such a nice doctor. And after hearing the news of the Head Nurse's husband who was killed in the battle somewhere else...

They're good together...but too bad...*they didn't last long*

I guess by now, Hiroto does feel some affection towards Haruto. And oh, look below. BEAUTIFUL isn't it??? I was like 'wow' when i see her pulling the glass to form the head. *although i'm pretty sure it was done by someone professional, but who knows?*

It's pretty!I know by now we know who lived and who didn't during this war.

And the doctor, he finally asked the head nurse out! haha...he's shy.

But peaceful moments don't last long during the war, come March 9th 1945...the biggest air raid fell upon Tokyo and it wasn't long before the whole city was engulfed in fierce flames.

And this was the POINT where i was already on the verge of tearing up *after watching so many other characters dying one by one...* this is the POINT/SCENE where i totally lost it. I really cried hard here, the part when Hiroto's father decided to commit suicide as he wasn't able to convince the General about this attack. *i guess being a too faithful officer, this is the way to die in honor...* oh well...but really he was so friggin fabulous when he shouted for Hiroto to live on.

I also liked this scene very much, like Haruko holding Hiroto's hand tightly and said that they have to live on. Somehow it's touching! I seldom feel much for uh...love relationships in movies and dramas, but in situations like these, it's touching.

Here, we have the other pair. See...i told you, JunJin's not all bad. He came back for Kazue. Although it was love that drives him back, still he didn't go away, despite the fact that Kazue didn't appear that night on the bridge.

Kazue's father died in the fire. so i guess, there's nothing to hold against them anymore. They made their run towards Kototoi Bridge and thought that if they managed to pass it, they'd be save. So does everyone. and it resulted with the bridge being drowned by human, coming from both directions, pushing each other...and they soon lost each other in the crowd.

The only way out is to jump into the river. So wasting no time, both Haruko and Hiroto jumped down hand in hand. However, with so many people jumping at the same time, and Hiroto just had a heart surgery the night before, so he wasn't in a good state to swim on his own. so...they got separated in the water.

Haruko obviously survived the dive and couldn't find him anywhere. but she stumbled upon a pregnant woman who had to give birth right there and then. despite lack of experience in this situation, she did her best to find clothes from dead people around and soon, the baby was born but the mother passed away. sad...really.

Well, this is the end of Part 1. stay tune for Part Two!