To tell the truth, i was pretty curious about this drama since its story relates about a girl with hearing problems and seriously, i was hopeful that it will be some kind of mellow and dramatic kind of story. And you see, the actress who played the main character was the girl who acted as this tomboyish character back in The Academy, and her hair was trimmed really short. But here, she has a long long hair and she just looked really different. And another thing is the guy. Yes, he is also one of the reasons i decided to watch this series. So you can figure out how much i anticipated this...

The first few episodes were actually pretty well written and done as it develops, giving us more info of the background, some history. BUT after that, things got a bit boring, things still happen but the thing is, everything seemed to be easily predicted. Like, you can just foresee everything, you can tell what's gonna happen next even long before they showed us on screen. There are no surprises and not much suspense, just typical stuffs trying to make up for the badly written script.

And to make things worse, i actually couldn't wait any longer watching everything that i fast forwarded most of the episodes, and the truth is, i don't think i missed much anyway by doing so. I fast forwarded so much that i literally finished the last five episodes in an hour. YES, i was THAT IMPATIENT. And not becoz i was really engrossed with it, it's just that i wanted to get it over with you know. Oh well...i think there's only one scene where i was touched, at least a bit.

And that scene reminded me of some japanese dramas which are kinda similar where they have the lead characters, narrating to the viewers about their inner we see them facing their problems, this case, she's deaf and she was walking through this tunnel at night, she watched someone playing saxophone, but all she could hear was silence. I don't know but that was like the only scene which i think the writers did well, trying to convey to us, just how is the a deaf person's life.

But the rest know...predictable.

Score: 5/10

I was disappointed.