Casts: Roger Kwok, Sonija Kwok, Kenneth Ma, Margie Tsang, Derek Kwok
Episodes: 25

Roger plays a detective who has a supernatural power to *see* clues whenever he touches the victims' belongings, be it a photo or well just about anything that can connect to them. He had this power after being struck by lightning some time ago.

Sonija also plays a detective, smart but a little on the tomboy side of character and very rushy. She doesnt really think twice, especially when catching this ' Dai Hao Ying' a bad guy whom she had been trying to detain from the first episode till the last. Literally.

Kenneth Ma plays a police officer, much higher ranked. It's obvious with the attire. Sonija's boyfriend, but ahem....*not for long* watch to see why.not gonna reveal too much now.

Ah the lovely couple haha xD
So, D.I.E is a special department, where they put all those *lousy/ weird* detectives to solve unsolved cases like mysterious deaths.
And this is definitely one happy ending for this couple too. Stephen Hyunh is his name, if i'm not wrong. He's handsome. xD

Ok, so basically this series is all about investigation, and with Roger's power+intelligence, normally the cases arent that hard to solve. But it's still interesting how they reveal the *behind the scene* parts at the end of every case. But mostly, the cases involve dead victims. That's why their department is called Death Investigation Extension aka D.I.E.

Overall: 8.5/10

I like Roger+Sonija, and also...having Stephen in there is haha...a big +++.

The ONLY thing i didn't really like was the ending, me and my room mate were screaming like hell when we saw the *scene*. You'll understand once you get your hands on this series. For investigation lovers, or any of these actors in here, make sure you watch this.