Based on a novel by Yasutaka Tsutsui, this story tells of Kazuko Yoshiyama, student who found a mysterious stone in the science lab one day and soon discovered that she could leap through time, or making it simpler, she can go back in time. But there's a limit and the number of times she can do it is shown on her shoulder, like timer.

And the funny thing is for her to leap through time, she needs to jump and roll or tumble, whatever you wanna name it. And the thing that strikes me seeing her do that for the first time was.."how can anyone survive that tumbling down the staircase again and again, or bump into something again and again, without getting serious injuries...?"

But anyway, it's just an anime. Things do happen in an anime.

I enjoyed the main character's style of speech. I mean, it's really interesting. Just the way she speaks and talks. It's different. The tone, everything. And it brings more depth to the character.

I like the twist at the end of the story.

Overall: 7.5/10

I find some parts a bit draggy though, but still it's an enjoyable movie.