First episode was fine, 2nd episode was mediocre. Well...the characters...i don't know, i just don't seem to have much affection towards them. Like...there's always something about a character or the way the actors/actresses act that make you really like them and will watch the show like countless times even after you've seen the ending.

However, in this show which i have anticipated since last year seemed to be disappointing.

I like Eita. I like Toma. And Satomi's fine. And even though i like them, the plot of the show isn't helping much. Seemed recycled and nothing much insteresting. And the worst of all is that it doesn't even touch much in Medical!!! I mean, they're Forensic students, mind you...and you'd have expected them to maybe cut the bodies up and examine them, run tests and etc...

But all you get is a glimpse of the dead body lying on the gurney and THAT'S IT. Literally. So why must they even make it a Forensic centered show with Forensic students when they practically did nothing in the Medical department to solve the cases. They're more like Detectives! They should've just made it a Detective/Mystery show. I mean, Galileo is better in this case becoz at least, the bizarre cases still lingered around Physics and Science, although i never could understand how the Prof can solve the cases just by writing some equations. I think the only thing that's keeping me watching this show is the fact that it has Eita and Toma in there. If it's not for these two actors, i don't think i'd waste my time watching it.

The third episode though seems to be more personal as it touches on Satomi's mother's death 15 years ago, the one thing that had bothered her and prompted her to get into Forensic Department.

The humor side of this show is pleasant to watch though. Seeing how Eita and the guys ganging up to tease Satomi, the only girl in the group is nice to see. I just hope it gets better and maybe involve some serious cases of deaths like murder.