so far Michiru is the weakest character in here. I mean, jeez man...she's been abused by mentally disturbed Sousuke ever since she moved in with him! And she's still keep going back to him. Ok, maybe becoz she really loves Sousuke, but seriously...her actions are just kinda stupid. to me.
and here is Ruka trying hard to protect her best friend.

eee....mentally ill Sousuke. His blank expression is kowaii....

This guy's one of my FAV character, he's so gentleman you know...and he cares a lot for his friends.

Do we see some love triangle here? I'm curious of how the story's going to progress.
Becoz we know for sure that someone died in the end. But who?

did this out of boredom...

i like how they use WHITE and RED here. really nice.