reminds you of anything...? red riding hood. Although, the casts and producers/directors deny that this movie has resemblance whatsoever with Little Red Riding Hood, who we know became the victim of the Wolf. But here, it's the other way round.

Ellen Page
Patrick Wilson

The scene opens with the computer screen where we see two people chatting, and then they hook up at some coffee shop. Jeff is a professional photographer, and Hayley is a smart 14 year old student. Then we see them driving off to Jeff's house, where he offers drink to Hayley which was rejected as she said that people say " never drink anything you don't make yourself" and from here, we get a slight hint of what kind of person Hayley is.

And so she went to make herself a drink, and offers Jeff who drank it all up. Maybe that was his only mistake in this whole movie.

He begins to take a camera to shoot Hayley but later collapsed and when he finally woke up, we see him tied up to a chair.

And so, the story begins...

Hayley suspects Jeff being a pedophile, which Jeff denied throughout the movie. We don't know for sure who's right or wrong here. But we know who's in charge now. Hayley begins to search the whole house, ripping off posters, drawers and finally found a secret safe. *let's not reveal what she found, shall we?*

She is convinced that Jeff has been tricking girls like her off the internet, and making them be his models...and maybe that leads to something else. Well, 90% of the movie is shot in Jeff's house, where Hayley and Jeff talking. And i do love the script. It's filled with utter sarcasm.'s dark humor.

And I really felt sorry for Jeff, you know....coz Hayley actually performed a surgery to castrate him. Which they didn't show much but you can see his expressions and how his emotions as a man is shown with desperation. yeah...

I am really impressed by both these actors. They are fabulous in their roles. Ellen Page, once again delivers this deranged, a bit psychotic girl perfectly. And of course, Patrick is also amazing as the victim.


" Oh, and i'd say 8-9 days to take the stitches out yourself, to save embarrassment. oh, and there's this website on, eunuchs is e-u-n-u-c-h-s, oh i've trouble with that but it gives you great advice on how to deal with your castration. You don't have to go through this alone, you know?" - Hayley to Jeff after castrating him

Jeff: You're insane.
Hayley: Right. Which i did tell you when we first met, remember? 4 or 5 doctors agree? You should ask my therapist. See what she thinks about it.
Well, i like the revelation at the end, at least it gives us some light.

OVERALL: 8.5/10

If you like thrillers, you might wanna try this. It's not horror. No bloody actions or anything, just something that makes you wonder.

btw, she's creepy in here haha xD