I happen to watch this on Astro, Hallmark at my aunt's house recently. And i loved it. Mainly because it's a HORSE story coz you see, my fav animal are horses. Ever since i had my first ride in Medan, Indonesia on a vacation years ago, i fell in love with them.

Well, back to the movie, Julie Benz plays Annie who was abandoned by her husband, leaving her with their daughter. Thus, with no money and place to stay, she arrived at Shamrock Stable, asking for a job.

Mary Lou, the owner of Shamrock was at first suspicious and checked her background but finally gave her the job. Annie was an equestrian rider and knew how to train horses. Her older sister died in an accident and apparently her mother seemed to blame her for that. And so their relationship wasn't that good there...

Mary Lou had a daughter who died out of overdose drugs, and somehow Annie reminded her of her daughter.

So anyway, i love the horses in there. And the stables, the scenery, everything. If you like horses, you'll like this movie. It's more of a horse/family movie.

Overall: 8.5/10