Paramore is an American band formed in 2004, consisting of four members:
Hayley Williams - vocals,guitar/keyboard
Josh Farro- lead guitar/backing vocals
Jeremy Davis-bass
Zac Farro- drums

I didn't pay much attention to them before this, coz...i see them as just another one of those young bands, you know...with a female lead, singing pop/rock and stuffs...

Um...then the other day, i was at my grandma's house and saw one of the videos. You know the SAME THING happened to me when i discovered Avril. but it's not like i never heard of Paramore before this.

Anyway, since i'm not doing anything this hols, i used the other older laptop to DL albums using Bitcomet. Yeah, torrents are good for these things. and i've been getting myself albums...and one of them is Paramore's Riot (2008). I havent heard their first album, but i'll post a review soon.

Yeah, the typical image of a young band, trying to make it big, i suppose. Btw, the lead singer is 18 years old. I can't help but i keep thinking of YOUNG Avril when i see these pictures.

You know back in the days, Avril is just like that girl...being surrounded by four different guys.
Before she got married, then turned all feminine. *not that it's a bad thing though* People grow.
Oh back to Paramore-----> I'll just state some tracks that i like= misery business,That's What You Get, Hallelujah, When It Rains, Miracle---> these are pop/rockish tunes.

The band's been compared to the likes of Avril and Kelly Clarkson when they came out. Maybe even until now, slightly. I don't find it surprising. Ever since Avril came out with the whole rebellious teen aka rocker image, anyone that came out with it after that gets compared with her afterwards.

But listening to the album now, i can see a distinct difference between their style with them. While Avril's first album is filled with poppish tunes, Paramore's is filled with more rockish ones. I'm speaking about their second album up to date, not their first.

And even if Avril went int o a darker phase for her second album, it's still different. So, basically...Paramore stands on their own. They have their own label, they have their own style, music and image. And I've seem some of their acoustics on youtube, i'm impressed by their lead's vocals. Not bad, really. and shall i say, i like her hair....those straight razor cut style looks good on her.

just some of their pictures i found on net.

LOOK here....above[hayley] below [avril] in her young rebel phase...i can't help but see the comparisons...but their music style is friggin different. See what i mean, gosh...i miss those guys! Her original band members! I love them to bits!

i know i ended up talking bout Avril...haha...can't blame since i'm a fan okay...
Well, if you like pop/rock/punkish atitude of songs, then maybe Paramore's Riot might amuse you. Give it a try. It's pretty good. For a band like them, really. But i'm wondering why Paramore isn't THAT FAMOUS over here in Msia, or am i missing the media lately...