
coz this post will be LONG, so i was bored so here they are, stuffs that i got from various forums etc...credits go to,, baidu as well, and forgive me if i forgot some others.

i feel touched everytime i see Chiaki can really see the tears spurting out you know, literally and it's yeah.

this is in the Special where they filmed at Paris.
some NG where he ate something too HOT xD

the tears again.....
oh yeah, this is one of the funniest scene in the Special, actually there're lots...just one of them. Chiaki's eyes....haha xD

haha she failed at trying to get the cheap unagi or something...
oh the Escargots!!! this scene was funny too.
look at Chiaki's eyes...

i dont know why but the SKY really looks FRIGGIN BEAUTIFUL here.


the kiss attack!!!

Onara Taisou!!!

Chiaki Senpai, don't you remember what happened last night?---> gosh, hilarious...

this scene is somehow disturbing haha xD

Nodame's communicating...

Paris concerto.

these are comparisons of the real live action characters with the manga.

oh look how concentrated he is lol...
who showers somebody like that?