You know the first thing that attracts me to this movie is actually the TITLE: JUNO.
Yes, JUNO. Coz JUNO is also this Canadian awards ceremony equivalent to The Grammys in US.

And so, i looked at the synopsis. something totally different, obviously. But found that that the actress, Ellen Page is a Canadian. And her accent is really really strong in here. I dont exactly know how to explain the difference between the American accent and the Canadian ones. You just naturally figure it out that they sound different.

Just like how Avril talks if compared to other American singers.
Ok, enough with accents. Let's go deeper to the story. Juno is a 16 year old junior high school student who found herself pregnant after having intercourse with Paulie Bleeker, a guy she has feelings for.
She tried to get rid of the baby through abortion but later couldnt let herself do it. And so, she searched for parents who are looking for adoptions. And so we have Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman, a couple who had tried having baby but failed.

And so begins the journey of having her stomach getting bigger like a balloon...
oh by the way, " it all begins with a chair"...that's where it all started, that brown couch she was sitting on (above). LOL...

And i thought i'm kinda tiny for a 21 year old, guess what, she's 21 too...i was shocked to find out that she is born in 1987 too. But she looks kinda youthful, you know...doesnt strike me as a 21 year old, she reall looks more like a 16-17 kind of person.

Some lines:

" Oh you should go to China or something, i hear that they give away babies like free iPods..." - Juno to the couple

" what? Are you ashamed that we did it? At least you don't have the evidence under your sweater. I'm a planet." - Juno to Paulie

" You know, your shirt looks stupid. Grow up, Mark. If i'm gonna wait for you to be Kurt Cobain, I'm never gonna be a mother" Vanessa to Mark

Overall: 8/10

It's an easy going family flick and i really like the final scene where both Juno and Paulie just sit together and play guitars and sing. That's somehow kinda sweet you know. xD