before i start ranting , let's feast on some mag scans. credits to baidu.

They're so rocking the casts' style, don't they?
although i have to say Takeru's attire is kinda weird in here. the 3 quarter shorts LOL.

ok, let's go on with the main story of this post. like i said, i'm getting tired of the whole domestic violence thing between Sousuke and Michiru.

seriously, they should dig more on Eri and Ogurin's character. Expose us more with their problems and stuffs! I know that they're not the MAIN in here, but still, if they go on with the whole DV thing where Sousuke keeps on abusing Michiru and Michiru never could make up her mind and runs back to him when he begs, or runs back to her friends when she got abused. I'm sick of that plot already.

I really felt like fast-forwarding when it comes to Sousuke and Michiru. I just dont feel for them anymore you know. And having someone to fast-forward a series is BAD. It's a big NO NO. Coz then it means, it's boring. And that's where the ratings go down. We don't want that to happen, do we?

And that's the case with Sousuke and Michiru's part. Especially Michiru.

JEEZ....i cant stand Michiru's innocent face! I feel like slapping her. How i wish she's the one who died! but NO, she has to be the MAIN character who LIVED and even PREGNANT with a baby who we dont know the father yet.

i hate that. considering how thoughtless and baka she is. Her character is too naive till i cant make myself to believe it. People like this in the world should die. It'd make things better.

Michiru is one of the lousiest MAIN character ever done for me.

i hate her.

You know how some naive characters are loveable/adorable and you'd stand by their side no matter what stupid things they do, but Michiru is way beyond the limit of a human's stupidity that it's not funny at all.

ok, i think i've said enough bout her.

I really hope the coming episodes are more exciting and not just talking bout DV, DV, DV...sick of it. it's recycling again and again.