Just got the chance to watch this, at home. xD

Fann Wong
Mark Lee

So anyway, from the title i suppose it's obvious that the movie centers around Ah Long aka loan sharks. I like the fact that they collaborate with local people, i mean, not just Sgporeans but also the Msians. And it's shot in Msia, mostly i think.

And they speak local dialects like Hokkien. A language that i speak myself. So that's pretty nice to hear. Fann plays the leader of an Ah Long gang group. She took over from the former Boss. And because her mother had always wanted her to get married, she then simply asked this aqua guy, played by Mark Lee to marry her.

And so begins their painful/weird quest in the world of Ah Long.

Jack is a good director, never fails to impress.

And Mark did a great job in this movie as a lady like man. hahaxD

Overall: 8/10
A great funny,witty family movie. I'm just curious what the REAL ah long people actually thinks of this portrayal of their lives. btw, there's this teenage girl who actually cuts off her long hair just to play this vengeful girl towards Ah Longs. impressed...xD